A new website is like a new storefront location.
Webmasters and SEO experts need to be proactive and begin building SEO efforts from the start.
So, let’s take an example of a person who is just starting to build a new website for their company. This means they have a brand-new asset in their hands, a potential SEO marketing sales-generating machine, and it is nothing right now, but they hope it will become big one day.
Many people wrongly advise website owners that they should let their pages “sit” on the Internet for a few months before making SEO marketing backlinks or even do anything related to Internet marketing. This lousy advice presumes that the site will get organic traffic in the first few months without any effort.
A new website is a new asset.
The SEO community’s willingness to share advice and best practices to new users is one of the latest best things in Internet marketing. Now, we have people like Google’s Senior Webmaster John Mueller and Gary Illyes, who are always in touch with solving common problems and myths.
Besides that, it has been seen that the various things John Mueller has shared over the years have greatly helped people who are making websites and using SEO services. Now, new advice has just recently been given by John, and it offers excellent insight that a lot of new website and business owners can relate to, and SEO marketing experts already know. Websites need SEO marketing.
The Ball Is In Your Court
Webmasters need to be proactive, and never wait for customers to find the website on their own because it might not happen for many of the sites out there. John has also recommended that companies should get rid of the mindset that with time web pages will magically ‘grow’ on their own. SEO marketing is how you can make a website powerful and generate sales for you and your business.
Even better, you should imagine that this is exactly like you’re opening a business in a brand-new location where you need to do something to get the ball rolling and that something is SEO marketing.
Play Ball
John also shared the question that if your website is just a “collection of images,” what’s the additional value your webpages bring to Google’s users? Now, this is a very true and real advice that a lot of SEO companies know. However, this coming from Google makes it much more credible.
In addition to the point above, recently, a webmaster asked John how to recover a website penalized by Google for thin or low-quality content. Now, this penalty or blacklisting is done by Google when they see that your website is not adding value to any search results. SEO marketing experts help you avoid these headaches.
How To Begin Thinking About SEO Marketing
Start by prioritizing top and mid-funnel content.
A good business owner should always be prepared in advance for Q1 and Q2 numbers to fluctuate, especially during times of recession, since they might be lower than you initially forecasted. While SEO marketing content might not convert in the short term, if you get customers into your funnel straightaway, you can capture long-term sales goals.
Start planning your SEO marketing efforts now and make up for any potential lost time. When sales pick up, you’ll be ready. Your SEO marketing content will be out there, turning into the valuable resource people need; thus, improving your SEO and bringing more traffic and conversions to your web pages.
In times where there is high demand or demand has completely shifted, you can often see changes in search interest and user intent on individual search queries for products or services. If you aren’t monitoring your SEO marketing closely enough, you will miss the opportunity to change your Internet marketing approach. The key takeaway being, don’t let your web pages go to waste.