The Secrets to Sustainable Link building

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Link building campaigns are not something you should do for a little while, or just until you get the ranking you want on the search engine results pages. Instead, it should be a continuous, ongoing process which benefits you can reap over time. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to make your link building campaign sustainable. We all know that you want to know the secrets of sustainable link building, so let get right into it.

Link building can sometimes be risky due to a couple of problems. Before discussing how you can decrease the risks involved in your link building, let’s discuss these problems with link building first.

Problems With Link Building


  1. Content-driven links
    Content-driven links are not bad in itself, but the risks involved in it are. Basically, the issue here is that you are investing a lot to produce content but you don’t know if it will yield content or not. You simply don’t know for sure if you’re going to get links in return for all the efforts you’ve spent on creating content.
  2. A great content might not get links
    There’s a difference between a great content and a great content that gets links. It might be difficult to see the difference at times because people tend to expect that great content will get links naturally. That isn’t really the case and you really need to know the difference between the two in order to achieve great content that gets links.
  3. Investment Issues
    Creating content, especially visual ones usually take a lot of time and effort. You might have to find freelance designers and developers who can help you create your content. In terms of investment, you will really have to invest time, energy and money into your content creation, which you can use for other more effective and less risky marketing campaigns. Investing in a marketing is not a bad thing, but if you are not sure if it’s going to work or not, it could turn out to be a bad investment.
  4. Starting and Stopping
    A lot of business owners work on a link building campaign, stop and then go on to start a new one. Link building is actually an ongoing activity. It’s not a project with a start and finish date.

Solving These Issues

The problems mentioned above may be seriously risky ones, but they’re definitely not without a solution. You can actually go around the risks and increase your chances of getting the links you want out of your link building campaign. Here are some useful tips you can use to minimize the risks:

  1. Don’t Tie Content With Dates and Events
    It is way too easy to come up with content ideas that tie content to specific dates throughout the year. There might be special events and festivals that are great to tie your content to, and are also catchy topics. You will surely be tempted to tie your content to these dates and events. However, when the date or event passes, so will the relevance of the content you created. You could have invested a lot in that content, but with a new day on the calendar, it becomes irrelevant. This doesn’t mean that you absolutely cannot create content for a certain event. When you create content, just don’t use exact dates and events so that the content can still be relevant and useful during the rest of the year.
  2. Find Datasets for multiple angles for outreach
    If you’re having trouble finding the right content that can generate links, you can start from data. A lot of content ideas can actually stem from data. What you can do is obtain a dataset and produce content with different angles and stories from the data you have. You can have different angles to your content through locations, demographics, years and many other factors from your dataset
  3. Collect All Your Link-Worthy ContentYou can keep all your link-worthy content to create a bank of content that is likely to generate links. This all comes down to not treating your link building campaign as a temporary project, but more of an ongoing process. You can build up a collection of link-worthy content on your website and you can use this content for outreach again and again.A lot of people make the mistake of coming up with ideas, designing, doing the outreach and then thinking it’s over. They then stop and start something else all over again. What actually works is instead of tossing your campaign aside and starting a new one, go back to the start and do it all over again.When you do this, you’ll get multiple types of content that will get links consistently. You’re not working on a piece of content one by one, but instead, you’re working on creating a bank of it.
  4. Find the Content Format That WorksThere is no one type of content that can work for everyone. It is best to try to find the type of content that works best for your business and focusing on that to create more links. You might notice that some content format works better for your campaign. It could be something difficult, but if it creates a lot of links successfully, it’ll be worth it. Definitely better than creating a difficult content but not getting any links in return.Identifying what works and what doesn’t work for your campaign is not only helpful in the current link building campaign you are doing. Once you determine what works and what doesn’t for your business, you can use that data again and again in the future for your future campaigns.

Link building will not always come easy. You will have to try it to learn more about it since the strategies that are to be used differs from one business type to another. What could work for another business might cause your business to fail, so you really need to find the right fit when it comes to content for a sustainable link building.


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