A pioneer for website builder SEO platforms, Wix SEO features appears to give you the full gamut of SEO efforts. Connecting your Wix site to Google Analytics or Google Search Console can provide metrics tracking, but it will most likely be an uphill climb without a good SEO strategy.
Is Your Wix Site Holding You Back?
Monitoring and improving your search engine optimization takes proven keyword and content strategies. An SEO strategy is vital to achieving actual sales and audience engagement. Keeping your finger on the SEO pulse to stay ahead of Google updates and competitors requires research, metrics, and analytics to set you apart. Moreover, issues with Wix’s site loading speed — due to the platform’s architecture — makes it more an arduous journey from the start.
Most of the time, you’ll be struggling with keyword decisions, content, and link structures, among other basic SEO tunings. Some of Wix’s SEO particular features, such as canonical tags, you should know what you are doing beforehand. The ability to create more challenges than improvements with your web pages is more likely. In the end, keyword and content choices have the most significant impact and require informed decisions.
Having Trouble Finding Your Wix Site on Search Engine Pages?
Thin or weak content continues to be an issue for everyone. Your content needs to be better than your competitors, as well as meeting Google’s criteria. Moreover, Google’s quality-content-seeking-algorithms keep advancing in sophistication. Google wants to serve its customers with the best content available. It is by slim chances that you’ll be able to beat the top 10 competitors if a content strategy isn’t being implemented and finessed.
Other common SEO hurdles are poor on-page optimization, lousy keyword research, and inadequate competition assessment. Without proper SEO support, websites may contain missing title tags, strange URL names, and other missteps that add up to having no positive SEO results. Keyword research is most successful when finding keywords with low competition and decent volumes of traffic to optimize pages with. Inadequate competition assessment creates problem areas when building SEO in highly competitive markets. Keywords such as “hotels” and “car insurance” are incredibly competitive, and require an extensive internet marketing budget to rank high amongst the competition.
Content and keyword focused Wix SEO features include:
- Canonical Tags — An advanced feature that allows search engines to know when two pages or more have duplicate content, and which page should be considered over the others.
- Headings Structure — From h1 to h6, headings of a blog matter to search engines and are ranked separately. These headings have separate tracking metrics from paragraphs, word count, etc.
- Page Title — The title that is on the actual search engine results. A good keyword is crucial for this feature.
- Meta Description — A summary or overview below the page title, keywords help significantly here as well.
- Personalized URLs — Keywords are needed for this feature. For blog posts and product pages Wix adds a string to URLs, which is less than ideal for SEO rankings.
Are Wix’s SEO Features Worth it?
Wix may cover the basics, and a little more, of SEO options that regular sites need, but with not much SEO expertise, little can be achieved. This leads to an uphill climb for those who don’t have time to continually optimization based on research, metrics, and proven strategies. Wix is a good option for those who want to casually blog, but don’t care for the bells and whistles that will boost sales, audience engagement, and your bottom line.
Hire the SEO Experts for Long-Term Results
SEO and PPC are speedily growing in importance to Internet marketing as Google, among other tech giants, continue to bring sophistication to search engines. As an SEO company, The Ad Firm builds proper web sites that put you on the 1st search engine page. To ensure that you’re investing your marketing dollars and cents right, finding a knowledgeable SEO and PPC Internet marketing company is essential.
“Free websites” actually cost in the long run. The Ad Firm has built over 2,000 websites for our clients. We recommend investing in creating a sales machine, not just a picturesque place holder for your web pages. Our PPC specialists bring sales, along with a fine-tuned ability to track performance. With our PPC services, you can track your conversion rates and have multiple funnels to work for the long haul.